
安世强说融资成本 - 郝会计和赖会计可能影响融资方式与成本



而根据Sreedhar T.Bharath, Jayanthi Sunder and Shyam V. Sunder的论文Accounting Quality and DebtContracting,以及其他一些文献资料的研究会计信息质量对债务融资具有重要的影响。

We find that the institutional differences between lenders in private debt markets(banks) and those in public debt markets (bondholders) play an important rolein how accounting quality is incorporated into contracts. Banks have superior information-processing abilities, and consequently borrowers with pooreraccounting quality prefer private debt in order to reduce the adverse selectioncosts. Further, we find that banks use both the price and non-price terms tocustomize the loan contract, whereas in the case of dispersed public bondholders,only the interest cost is affected by accounting quality, consistent with theability of banks to renegotiate the contract ex post. Our results suggest thatthe institutional differences between the two markets play an important role inthe design of debt contracts.




Therefore,in practice, private lenders such as banks have a greater recontracting flexibilityas well as sophistication relative to public bond investors and can customizethe price and non-price terms of the debt contract in response to borrowers’accounting quality. Consequently, we expect both price and non-price terms ofbank loans to be influenced by

accountingquality. Firms with poorer accounting quality should have more stringentprivate debt contract terms as measured by higher interest spread, shortermaturity, and a greater likelihood of being required to provide collateral.

作者:安世强 来源:中国会计视野

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文章名称:《安世强说融资成本 - 郝会计和赖会计可能影响融资方式与成本》
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